Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pedicure Time!

How Megs says Thank you.
One more lesson I have learned: find a farrier willing to travel before moving!! What a mess the horses feet were! I had the worst time trying to track someone down (the continuing saga of the metal roof & cell phone reception did not help) on top of having no time to deal with this. I've been working away at my to-do list and finding a farrier finally came up #1.

Allie K from BareNecessities did an amazing job! I was a little wary of using a 'natural' trimmer, but my horses never wear shoes anyway, so really all the difference is that she didn't trim off the edges of their toes with the clippers (they're like big nail clippers). Instead she spent an hour & a half shaving away with the file. Something my back would never stand up for!

Made great angles on their feet, they do need another go in 6 weeks since it took so long to get someone over here. After another trim they'll be looking show-ready! (Not that we have plans to go anywhere).

C'mon Maddie, Share!
 Maddie was a SUPER STAR! His former owner (Hi Sara!) warned me he'd been really bad for farriers in the past. That was the other thing I learned, never call a farrier and say "I may have a difficult horse, but can you drive our 20+ minutes from where you are just for 2?" Uh... they won't call you back!

Anyway, Maddie was amazing, I barely had to hold him and other then a little "Oh, what's that?" when Allie moved the stand, he was very calm and happy to get his toes done! But some horses are like that, Meg likes male vets, I guess Maddie likes female farriers.

He's got such pretty spotty toes!
 Maddie looks great too, but he's standing in the mud so a little hard to see. His low heels are growing out (It's a TB thing!), I haven't decided to supplement him yet, his feet really aren't that bad.

So, time for some trail rides already!! Too bad we missed the nice weather, but riding in the fall is nice because you don't boil.

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' goood!

    Also...I've chosen you as a recipient of the Versatile Blogger Award! Check out this post to learn more.
